The survey shows that Le Pen can expect to move on to the second round, but would lose to either Macron with her expected 34 percent of votes against his 66, or to Fillon with 40 percent against 60.
According to the poll, Former Education Minister Benoit Hamon, the candidate from the Socialist Party, could benefit from forging an alliance with environmentalist Yannick Jadot and left-wing Jean-Luc Melenchon, as 42 percent of the supporters of the left would approve of the union, irrespective of who would represent it in the race.
Emmanuel Macron will hold a rally in the French city of Lyon on Saturday afternoon. Le Pen and Melenchon have also scheduled separate meetings with their supporters in Lyon for Sunday.
The French police, which opened a probe into the matter, carried out searches in the headquarters of the magazine where Penelope Fillon used to work and in the French Senate. The center-right candidate denied all accusations.
The first round of the French presidential elections is scheduled for April 23, with the run-off slated for May 7.