Giuliani Apartment Raid Might Have Been Caused by Voicemail Hinting He Had a Burner Phone
Giuliani Apartment Raid Might Have Been Caused by Voicemail Hinting He Had a Burner Phone
Sputnik International
According to the Justice Department handbook, before pursuing a search warrant for an attorney, federal prosecutors are encouraged to consider issuing a... 29.04.2021, Sputnik International
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Giuliani Apartment Raid Might Have Been Caused by Voicemail Hinting He Had a Burner Phone
11:12 GMT 29.04.2021 (Updated: 13:16 GMT 06.08.2022) According to the Justice Department handbook, before pursuing a search warrant for an attorney, federal prosecutors are encouraged to consider issuing a subpoena, but not, however, if it could compromise the criminal investigation or prosecution, or result in the obstruction or destruction of evidence.
The Wednesday morning raid at Rudy Giuliani's Manhattan home and office might have been triggered by a recently resurfaced voicemail where he hinted at having a burner phone number.
In the 2019 voicemail that was included in a December motion in court, submitted by Joseph Bondy, the attorney for former Giuliani associate Lev Parnas, Giuliani says he has a “soon to be gotten rid of number”.
“I can confirm the veracity of the statements that I made in that reply motion,” Bondy confirmed to Newsweek.
The New York home of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was searched by FBI investigators on Wednesday in relation to a probe reviewing whether he had broken lobbying laws while serving as a part of the previous administration.
Seven FBI agents arrived at his home at 6 am, reportedly seizing some of his electronic devices – including phones and laptops.
The NYT believes the investigation is largely focused on claims that Giuliani illegally lobbied the Trump administration back in 2019 on behalf of Ukrainian officials, who were reportedly helping Giuliani to investigate Joe Biden’s family’s dealings in the country. However, there’s no reason to suggest charges are imminent.