Supreme Court Ruling Strips US Citizens of Rights: The Police State Cometh!
Brian is joined by Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, as well as Eugene Puryear of the Stop Police Terror Project to discuss the watershed Supreme Court ruling and the historic dissent offered by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina Supreme Court judge.
Will Hillary Clinton accelerate the drive for regime change in Syria if she becomes President? A State Department document released last week calls for airstrikes against the Damascus government as a means to defeat Daesh, but would it bring the US to war with Russia and Iran? Becker is joined by political analyst Daniel McAdams to discuss the importance of the dissent within the State Department.
A new corruption scandal in Brazil could implicate a third of the country's lawmakers. As the coup government of Michel Temer struggles for legitimacy in the eyes of the Brazilian people, what does this mean for impeached President Dilma Rousseff? Joining Becker to talk about these developments is writer and activist Kim Ives and Aline C. Piva of Brazilian Expats for Democracy.