Margaret Flowers, a pediatrician, health reform activist and co-director at Popular Resistance, joins us to discuss coronavirus news. Facing significant questions about his actions during the early stages of the pandemic, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his administration should have been more transparent in how it counted deaths related to COVID-19 in long-term care homes.
Jim Kavanagh, a writer at The Polemicist and CounterPunch and author of "The American Farce Unravels: Shreds of January 6th," joins us to discuss domestic terrorism legislation. A number of Democrats are pushing for further legislative action on domestic terrorism. The coalition of "blue dog" Democrats argue that “the threat of domestic terrorism has never before been as stark as it is now, in the wake of the January 6 attack on the Capitol.” Civil liberties and human rights groups opposed to the legislation counter that the actions that took place on January 6 were already illegal and that these new laws will likely be used against minority groups with little or no political power.
George Koo, a journalist, social activist, international business consultant and chemical engineer, joins us for the latest news about China. The never-ending flow of US sanctions against China may soon turn on the Biden administration as China is eyeing counter-sanctions related to rare earth minerals. Such minerals, which are used in everything from smartphones to warplanes, may be on the line, according to the Financial Times. China's foreign ministry has not answered any questions regarding this possibility to date.
Ajamu Baraka, the 2016 US vice-presidential candidate for the Green Party, joins us to discuss US sanctions on Latin America. Alena Douhan, the United Nations special rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, visited Venezuela for an investigation on the impact of US sanctions. The diplomat concluded, Washington’s state of national emergency in 2015, and the US’, EU’s and allies’ subsequent sanctions “violates international law,” “the principle of sovereign equality of states,” while also constituting “an intervention in the domestic affairs of Venezuela.”
Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations and security analyst, joins us to discuss the deterioration in relations between Russia and the European Union. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently stated Russia wants to have a strong relationship with the European Union, but the constant bashing and sanctions from the other side are making it nearly impossible to continue with business as usual. He indicated that the never-ending cascade of sanctions and unsubstantiated accusations along with a refusal to cooperate on international investigations are creating an environment in which Russia must act to protect its economic interests.
Ted Rall, a political cartoonist and syndicated columnist, joins us to discuss cancel culture. In his latest article, Chris Hedges states that "elites and their courtiers who trumpet their moral superiority by damning and silencing those who do not linguistically conform to politically-correct speech are the new Jacobins." Hedges goes on to argue that the liberal class, who move to attack people using unacceptable language, lacks the courage to confront the centers of power in the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the intelligence agencies.
Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, joins us to discuss the latest information on the investigation of the origins of Russiagate. Recent documents released as a result of court orders show that former FBI Director James Comey contradicted his sworn statements to the FISA court. Comey gave written confirmation to the FISA court that the infamous Steele Dossier was verified; however, Comey wrote in a Jan. 12, 2017, email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper that "we are not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting," which was the exact same day that he signed a document headed to the court stating the opposite. Will Comey be held criminally liable or will this be another whitewash?
Dan Lazare, an investigative journalist and author of "The Velvet Coup: The Constitution, the Supreme Court and the Decline of American Democracy," joins us to discuss the Biden administration's early foreign policy moves. The US government outlet has confirmed the Biden administration is building a new military base in northeastern Syria, as the Syrian government complains that the US is plundering the nation and stealing their oil. The Pentagon is increasing its presence in Syria by sending more troops and fortifying existing bases. Additionally, the Biden team is increasing hostilities towards Iran, backing out of the Afghanistan peace deal, and pledging support for Trump's decision to move the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
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