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Russia as Punching Bag: Clinton Blames Moscow for Exposing Shocking DNC Abuse

Russia As Punching Bag: Clinton Blames Moscow For Exposing Shocking DNC Abuse
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Russia As Punching Bag: Clinton Blames Moscow For Exposing Shocking DNC Abuse
On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker is joined by security analyst Mark Sleboda to look at the allegations leveled against Russia by Hillary Clinton's campaign.
On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker is joined by security analyst Mark Sleboda to look at the allegations leveled against Russia by Hillary Clinton's campaign.

The Democratic National Convention opened yesterday after Party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign after release of almost 20,000 emails that reveal shocking abuse and misconduct by the Democratic National Committee to undermine Bernie sanders at the same time as people were going to the polls in the primaries.  Is there any credibility to the accusation that Russian hackers are behind the leak in an attempt to bolster the campaign of Donald Trump, or is this simply another case of slander aimed at Moscow to demonize the country?

Bernie Sanders has endorsed Hillary Clinton, but will his supporters line up behind her? Thousands of Sanders supporters rallied against Clinton ahead of the DNC in Philadelphia on Sunday, expressing their frustration at the Party machine. Becker is joined by Radio Sputnik producer Walter Smolarek and editor of Jane Cutter for an eyewitness account of the protest.

On Sunday, people packed the main hall of a community center to demand freedom for political prisoners on the eve of the DNC. President Obama has the power to free all political prisoners held in federal custody, but hasn't done so. Joining Becker to discuss the DNC event is Kashara White of the Black Radical Organizing Collective and Theresa Shoatz, daughter of imprisoned activist Russell "Maroon" Shoatz.

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