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Iran and Venezuela Reach Oil Deal; Sarkozy Sentenced to One Year

Iran and Venezuela Reach Oil Deal; Sarkozy Sentenced to One Year
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Iran and Venezuela Reach Oil Deal; Sarkozy Sentenced to One Year
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to one-year house arrest for campaign violations during his 2012 re-election bid.
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to one-year house arrest for campaign violations during his 2012 re-election bid.
Teresa Lundy, principal and founder of TML Communications, a leading public relations, communications, and advocacy firm in Pennsylvania and business columnist at Metro Philly, joins us to discuss domestic politics. There is a major battle taking place on Capitol Hill as progressives look to maintain earlier agreements with Democratic leadership regarding major spending bills. Also, Congress looks to have avoided a shutdown, but is locked up on other issues.
Professor Ken Hammond, professor of East Asian and global history at New Mexico State University and activist with Pivot to Peace, joins us to discuss China. US military defense leaders are said to be holding talks with their Chinese counterparts in hopes of avoiding an accidental dust-up. Also, North Korean leaders argue that US aggressions and hostile policies give them a right to test their latest military technologies.
Martin Sieff, senior fellow at the American University in Moscow, joins us to discuss Eastern Europe. Hungary has decided to purchase gas from Russia, bypassing Ukraine, which has upset the status quo in NATO. Also, the Balkans are heating up, and observers are looking at pre-World War II dynamics for a comparable moment in time.
Robert Fantina, journalist and Palestine activist, joins us to discuss Israel. President Biden rejected a meeting with the Palestinian president during the recent UN meeting in New York. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett refused to mention the Palestinians in his UN speech.
Steve Poikonen, national organizer for Action4Assange, joins us to discuss Julian Assange. Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo tacitly admitted that the recent allegations regarding his threats to the life of Julian Assange are correct. Pompeo remarked that those who are spreading the story are releasing classified information indicating that the rumors are true.
Teri Matson, Latin American coordinator for CodePink, joins us to discuss the Global South. We discuss the Mexican negotiations between various political factions in Venezuela. Also, Iran and Venezuela have worked out a deal in which the Islamic Republic will assist them in getting their oil production going.
Niko House, political activist, independent journalist and podcaster, joins us to discuss propaganda and censorship. YouTube continues its newest worldwide censorship move after permanently shutting down Russia Today's German-speaking channels on Tuesday.
Ted Rall, political cartoonist and syndicated columnist, joins us to discuss France. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to one-year house arrest for campaign violations during his 2012 reelection bid.
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