- Sputnik International, 1920
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NSA Spied on Angela Merkel; Canada Faces Charges of Genocide; Lukashenko Warns of World War

NSA Spied on Angela Merkel; Canada Faces Charges of Genocide; Lukashenko Warns of World War
The US National Security Agency is facing allegations that it enlisted the aid of the Denmark intelligence services to spy on European leaders.

Alexander Mercouris, editor-in-chief at theduran.com & host of "The Duran'' on YouTube, joins us to discuss "Spygate 2." Reports that the US National Security Agency enlisted the aid of Denmark's intelligence services to spy on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and potentially other European leaders is causing an uproar amongst US vassal states in Europe. Meanwhile, many observers are yawning at the reality that these nations have generally accepted their status as powerless clients of the US empire and are unlikely to do more than complain.

Levi Rickert, editor and publisher of NativeNewsOnline.net, joins us to discuss the genocide against indigenous people in Canada. The bodies of over 200 children were found in Canada at a building that was used to strip them of their culture and indoctrinate them into European culture. Observers are using this as an opportunity to revisit the genocide and violence associated with Western imperialism.

Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations security analyst, joins us to discuss Belarus. The President of Belarus is talking about the Western attempt to overthrow his government and is joining a chorus of international voices warning that NATO and the US empire are rapidly dragging the planet towards a third and potentially final world war. Also, Roman Protasevich, the man who was arrested in Belarus from a Ryanair plane last week was wanted in connection with Ukrainian Nazi operatives, according to Russian foreign policy sources.

Greg Palast, investigative reporter, joins us to discuss election issues in the US. A major political struggle has erupted in Texas as GOP politicians introduce a restrictive voting bill and Democrats walkout to halt the process. Also, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) argues that the Democrats must show equal resolve to push through legislation that the GOP opposes.

Daniel Lazare, an investigative journalist and author of "The Velvet Coup," joins us to discuss Israel. The landscape is shifting, as Washington, DC produced over 35,000 people at a rally on a rainy cold Memorial Day weekend. The leaders of the Democratic party are struggling to deal with a large group of major donors who support the Netanyahu Likud administration while facing growing opposition in their major voting blocs.

Ajamu Baraka, former VP Candidate for the Green Party, joins us to discuss Columbia and Brazil. Brazil is facing a major internal crisis, as the citizens are taking to the streets in large numbers to protest the neoliberal policies of Jair Bolsanaro. Bolsonaro and his US supporters are particularly concerned as the former left-leaning leader Lula De Silva seems ready to make a comeback.  Also, we discuss how Israel is influencing politics in South America, and in particular, the US-controlled government of Colombia. 

Margaret Kimberley, editor and senior columnist at Black Agenda Report and author of "Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents," joins us to discuss the militarism of the US empire. We discuss Caitlin Johnstone's article in which she pushes back against war propaganda and explains her concept of US foreign policy. Also, we talk about Jim Bovard's article about the run-up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Laith Marouf, broadcaster and journalist based in Beirut, Lebanon, joins us to discuss Syria. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad won the Syrian election with 95.1% of the vote. As is normally the case with perceived adversaries, the US condemned the election as illegitimate before the voting process began. Also, does the end of the Syrian war mean that the war-torn nation can return to its status as a power player in the region?

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