Kitty Helps Bearded Dragon Eat Mealworms for Breakfast

© Blogger photo YouTube/Viral HogKitty Assists Bearded Dragon to Eat Mealworms in Breakfast
Kitty Assists Bearded Dragon to Eat Mealworms in Breakfast - Sputnik International
Cats are considered calming companions that share an immense bond with human beings. This viral video proves that felines can be as friendly with other species and reciprocate emotions when resources are plentiful.

A 20-second video shows an adorable white ball of fur assisting a bearded dragon eat its breakfast. Butters the kitty is sifting through the stuff, helping Crixus the bearded dragon find the mealworms that are buried inside. What is most amusing is that Crixus also thinks Butters might be food - you can see Crixus tasting Butters' paw to see if he's tasty or not.

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