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Why One of Russia's Top Economists is Being Appointed as Minister of Defense

© Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabankRussian President Vladimir Putin, right, meets with Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov at Moscow's Kremlin
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, meets with Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov at Moscow's Kremlin - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.05.2024
Notable Russian economist and Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov has been nominated as minister of defense by Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 12.
If economist Andrei Belousov does get appointed as Russia’s newest minister of defense, it would not be the first time a civilian got put into that office, retired Russian naval officer (Captain 1st Rank) and military analyst Vasily Dandykin told Sputnik.

“I believe that, first and foremost, he’s a man from the president’s team,” Dandykin commented on Belousov’s candidacy. “He was the first deputy prime minister and he actually knows very well the problems that [Russian] military-industrial complex faces. As always, our supreme commander-in-chief, the President of Russia, supervises all decisions.”

Russian military expert and military intelligence veteran Ret. Col. Rustem Klupov pointed out that Belousov is an accomplished economist of a very high caliber who advised prominent Russian statesmen.

“If he is being appointed as the defense minister, it means that there will be goals of economic nature to complete,” Klupov suggested.

According to him, the new minister’s duties might involve issues related to weapon procurement and defense contracts.
“Gerasimov (Gen. Valery Gerasimov, Russian Armed Forces’ Chief of General Staff) will conduct military operations and the defense minister will handle his own matters,” Klupov added.
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Soviet and Russian Army veteran and military journalist Viktor Litovkin also highlighted Belousov’s impressive reputation as a scholar and an economist, noting that the latter also paid considerable attention to the military-industrial sphere and military matters during his career as a government official.

“So far, there is no reason to question his expertise. He’s a distinguished man who paid a lot of attention while working in the government to the military-industrial complex and to the connection between the military and the industry.”

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