'My Lips Are Too Big': UK Celeb Explains Why She Failed Roadside Breath Test

© Photo : FacebookScarlett Harrison
Scarlett Harrison - Sputnik International
UK police heard a 20-year-old beautician from Manchester claim that she couldn't give a sample of her breath when she was stopped in the city center.

Scarlett Harrison, who appeared on the British television program Ex on the Beach in 2018, was driving back from a meeting with a friend when she was pulled over on June 20 in a taxi rank outside Piccadilly train station.

The officers asked the young woman to provide a breath sample, which the police in the UK can do if they think an individual has been drinking, has committed a traffic offense or has been involved in a traffic accident.

When Harrison failed to "breathalyze," she was asked to repeat the test at the police station, she argued that her lip implants made it difficult to get her mouth around the tube.

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Loving life in pacha🌺❤️

A post shared by S C A R H A R R I S O N (@scarlettejh) on Sep 4, 2018 at 8:20am PDT

According to UK authorities, "if you refuse to take a breath test, or fail to supply a sample of breath and don't have a 'reasonable excuse', you can be arrested."

"A reasonable excuse could be a genuine physical or mental condition stopping you from giving a sample," the rules explain.

Harrison claimed that she was unable to blow into the device for "medical reasons" when she was charged with failing to provide a breath sample and requested her to do the test.

"She tried to go through with it and attempted to blow four times. She told them she was anxious and nervous and when asked by the police officer if there was any reason why she couldn't provide a sample, she said her lips were too big and she couldn't blow into it. They asked if she had any medical conditions or health conditions that could stop her doing so and she said: 'No, just my lips'," the prosecution said.

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The best day at the best place 🏝

A post shared by S C A R H A R R I S O N (@scarlettejh) on Aug 21, 2018 at 3:10am PDT

Harrison ended up having to pay a fine and has been banned from driving for 16 months.

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